

  • Murad was the first modern, doctor-developed skincare brand, acquired by Unilever in 2015

  • Despite having lots of good things to say and Dr. Murad’s genuine passion for holistic, inclusive beauty, the brand lacked a focused strategy. A more focused purpose was needed to strengthen the Murad brand



  • Went back to the roots of the business / brand, as personified in Dr. Howard Murad, working with him and other Murad and Unilever stakeholders to identify what we really wanted to safeguard for the future of the brand within the Unilever Prestige Group

  • Identified different narratives that could provide clarity and focus for the brand, narrowing down to the one – linking the idea of cultural stress and the key product benefit of hydration – which allowed for the clearest messaging, and engendered the most positive engagement among Murad stakeholders, new and old

  • Supported the brand relaunch in a PR Summit in NYC, headlined by Arianna Huffington in late 2016, subsequently inputting to the new comms campaign (in development in 2018)