To find new focus, purpose and structure for Tesco’s CR activity globally and rebuild trust in the Tesco brand
To reduce 45+ activities; organise them around 5 key themes, approach them with the unique skills and personality of Tesco; making the whole add up to more than the sum of the parts
Buried deep into the history and DNA of the brand
Looked at global best practice in activities such as community support, tackling food waste and food poverty
In-depth audit of all current CR activity and that of their competitors
Stakeholder and expert interviews
Developed possible unifying themes to act as a simple, single galvanising & organising thought and developed them through an interactive workshop
Agreed Strategy, Implementation Plan and metrics with CEO and Board CR Committee
The ‘Little Helps Plan’ was launched in October 2017. It responds to the priorities of colleagues, customers, stakeholders and suppliers
The plan is based on 5 key initiatives underpinned by actions on the environment with clear metrics for each theme
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