To create a movement that could harness the power of small daily actions when undertaken by millions of people
Researched and compiled 50 everyday actions to improve the environment, tackle social problems and enhance communal and individual well-being. Paul Twivy was strategist, collator and editor
Created a book that was a “Swiss Army Knife” and persuaded the book trade to cut their margins and sell it for £5
Created a dedicated web-site, monitoring and encouraging actions
Grew it into an organisation called “Shift”, to focus on products and services that prompt positive behaviour change
1.5 million copies sold around the world. Translated into 6 languages
100+ organisations promoting the actions to employees
5,000+ suggestions of actions for children’s book and a copy in every school in England
50,000 users tracking 5,000,000+ actions on the online tool
3,000 schools using the lesson plans
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